Thursday, September 27, 2012

Week 1 - EVE


Reading Material - Read on Video (Total Time 30min)

Reading Part 1

Reading Part 2

Reading Part 3

Questions From The Book: Women of The Bible -Jean E. Syswerda

Read Genesis 2:21-25

1. Describe Adam's situation (2:18, 20). In paradise, what need did he have that only a woman could fulfill?

2. What does being "one flesh" (2:24) in a marriage mean, both phsycially and spiritually?

3. Think of a couple who truly seems to be "one flesh". What is their relationship like?

Read Genesis 3:1-13

4. Genesis 3:1-5 is one of the saddest passages in Scripture, but also the one that sets the stage for all that is to come. How easily do you think the serpent deceived Eve? Do you think she ate of the fruit the first time he approached her, or did he wear her down over a period of time?

5. Why did Eve eat the fruit (3:6)?

6. Eve is rationalizing her sin here. Even though she knew it was wrong, she came up with three reasons for eating from the tree. What sorts of reasons do you come up with to rationalize your sin?

7.  Adam and Eve produce a classic scene of passing the blame: Adam blames Eve; Eve blames the serpent (3:12-13). Is any one of the three participants any more or less to blame? Whatt do the curses God pronounces on each tell you about who is "at fault" (3:14-19)

Read Genesis 3:20-24

8. What is the first thing God does for Adam and Eve after he declares what their punishment will be?

9. What does God's act tell you about Him? What do you think He will do for you after you have sinned and repented?

Read Genesis 4:1-2

10.  Whom does Eve acknowledge as the source of life (4:1)?

11. Eve now has two sons (4:2). Cain's name is Hebrew for "brought forth," while Abel's name means "breath" or "temporary" or "meaningless" It is the same Hebrew word used in Ecclesiates 1:2. Certainly, Abel's life was not meaningless, but it was short, and his name suggests what was to come. Compare Abel's name here and the verse in Ecclesiates. What connections can you see between the two?


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