Friday, November 9, 2012

Week 5 - REBEKAH


Week 5 Focus: REBEKAH: The woman whose favouritism brought sorrow

Scripture Reference:

1.       Genesis 22:23, 24, 25:19-34, 26:1-35, 27, 28:5, 29:12, 35:8, 49:31

2.       Romans 9:6-18

Her Character:

Hardworking and generous, her faith was so great that she left her home forever to marry a man she had never seen or met. Yet she played favorites with her sons and failed to trust God fully for the promise He had made


In reviewing Rebekah’s life and character what are some of the warnings to heed? Are we not forcibly reminded that love which seeks success at the cost of truth and righteousness is of the earth, earthy? The devil’s maxim is “Nothing succeeds like success” But from God’s standpoint nothing succeeds which does not follow the way of truth and honesty.  Then, while she had physical beauty, her domination of Jacob and her schemes to deceive her husband revealed the lack of beauty of a godly character.

Further, Rebekah is a warning to all parents that there should be no favorites in the family; that all alike should be dear to them. If there is partiality for any in a family, it should only be for those who are weak and helpless.

Another warning bell is that when a wife conspires against her husband, or vice versa, they are guilty of a baseness which language cannot describe. When one partner finds that he has been betrayed by the other, the world becomes a blank.

There is one beneficial application we can make of Rebekah’s prompt decision to follow Eliezer to meet her future bridegroom, Isaac – I will go! In connection with higher betrothal of the soul to the Heavenly Bridegroom, He comes to the sinner saying as Eliezer did to Rebekah, “Will you go with Me? Will you follow Me into that country where saints immortal reign?” When hearts respond to such an appeal, “Yea, Lord I will go. I will follow Thee, whithersoever Thou goest!” they are twice blessed. (From “All the Women of the Bible” By Herbert Lockyer)

Rebekah’s Legacy In Scripture: (From Women of The Bible: 52 Bible Studies –Jean E. Syswerda)


1.       What does the first information about young Rebekah tell you about her looks and her character?

2.       How are you like Rebekah? How are you different from her?


3.       In these verses Abraham’s servant tells Rebekah’s family how he met her, emphasizing the Lord’s blessing and involvement throughout. How does Rebekah’s family respond?

4.       Three simple words (24:58) changed Rebekah’s life forever. Who was she like in her willingness to go where she had never been before?

5.       How would you react if God called you away from home and family? What would have to happen to make you obey?

READ GENESIS 24:67, 25:28

6.       These are some of the sweetest words about marriage found in the Bible. In your own words, describe what you think Isaac and Rebekah’s marriage was like in these early days.

7.       Verse 28 expresses one of the saddest thoughts about parenting found in the Bible. Describe how you think their parents’ favouritism affected Jacob and Esau and their relationship.

8.       Many children grow up thinking their parents favored one sibling or another. If you have children, how can you avoid such thinking in them?

READ GENESIS 27:1-28:9

9.       Why do you think Rebekah resorted to trickery to gain the promise given to her when she was pregnant?

10.   Describe how you think Rebekah might have felt ten years later. Do you think she regretted her actions?

11.   How are Rebekah’s actions like those of her mother-in-law, Sarah?

12.   The story of Rebekah is rich and colourful. In one sentence summarize what you would like to learn from her life.

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